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Apps for Schools

With our school mobile applications we’ve had first hand experience in knowing what the students want and need to make everyday school life easy and convenient.

Interactive Timetables

Our intuitive timetables help students keep organised and on track throughout the day. By allowing students to customise their timetables it minimizes confusion about which class is next. We also have support for Temporary Timetables, with this technology you can get new timetables for exam's or assessment weeks seamlessly.
Adaptive to your school.

Our services adapt to your school, for example we encourage your school to use social media sites such as Facebook & Twitter to post announcements to ensure you get the best possible reach. We use various cloud based technologies to keep your social media and apps in sync. We can also use this technology to add newsletters to the app automatically when you post them.

Give students and parents access to your schools calendar. You can allow users to subscribe to your newsletters as well as allowing them to access your calendar in a fast and easy experience. Using our cloud technologies we can show your calendar in the application even if you don't provide calendar feeds such as iCalendar Feeds.

Want your students to have access to school documents anytime, and anywhere? Using our documents feature allows you to add new documents that students can download and keep on their device, for instant offline use.

Our mobile school applications provide students with the ability to access a wide variety of services that can help them form day to day, such as:

VLE Integration,
Campus Maps,
School Announcements Feed From Facebook / Twitter,
Education Board Publications,
School Newsletters,
School Surveys,
Absence Forms,
Bus Routes .
Custom Features

Have an idea for a feature that is out of the box? We can get it done. We can also embed parts of your website into the app for usually no extra cost.


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